A touching ritual to any ceremony...

Whether it’s a commitment ceremony, vow renewal, wedding or elopement, you have the option of saying personal vows.
Adding this ritual to your special day makes for a touching and heart warming moment - not only for the couple, for all of their guests also.
Some people who love the idea initially can often feel daunted when putting pen to paper, while others could write multiple pages.
A tip if you decide to do this: ensure you know what your loved one is expecting when it comes to length... are you both writing a sentence, paragraph or page?
If you need assistance with getting started, I can help you! Contact Nicque at hello@ritesandritualscelebrant.com.au or phone/text 0435 432 347.
www.ritesandritualscelebrant.com.au #ritesandritualscelebrant #nicque #celebrant